Free Csound/Cabbage Code

Csound code in the Cabbage framework
I am happy to make my Cabbage/Csound code available for anyone who is interested in grabbing some of my idiosyncratic synthesizers and effects. To run this code you can download and install Cabbage (which installs Csound on your system) from These include:
Decalog—a 10-oscillator analog synth with FM/AM/RM and numerous effects
Granary—granular synthesis engine with soundfile and live granulation
MorFFT—streaming spectral processing demonstrating Csound’s pvs opcodes
Mverb and Mverb3D—reverbs built with waveguide meshes
ReSynthesizer—can play back analysis files generated using Csound’s analysis subroutines
Stringy—Physically-modeled instrument with three strings (each with timbrel control)
Wave Terrain Synth—a 5-dimension wave terrain instrument with morphing wave functions
(*most of this code was updated in November, 2024, to include soundfile drag/drop functionality and to enlarge the GUI)
Csound/Cabbage projects currently under development include:
- Beats—a pulse-driven synthesizer with varying beat subdivisions and synthesis options (filtered noise and pitches).
- Shadow Synth—uses FFT analyses of incoming audio to drive synthesis that is based upon detected spectral content
- Whiplash—an effect that feeds an incoming audio stream into a buffer and provides MIDI controller driven reverse/playback with feedback delays on both the incoming and reversed audio
- Spectral Diffuser—software that spectrally pans a stereo file into an 8-channel space to create an immersive sonic environment
- VFDN (Variable Feedback Delay Network)—a network of 10 delays that can be grouped in 5 stereo pairs with beat-based feedback delays with flexible routing. The incoming audio can be fed into any delay and any delay can feed into any other delay or feed back into itself to create both traditional or quite unusual delay patterns